St. James’ gathers both in person and virtually. Ways to gather and connect are shared regularly by email to the parish, and also posted on our events calendar and FaceBook page. If you’d like to receive parish emails, please contact us.
Adult Education
St. James’ offers a number of ways for congregants to grow in Christian discipleship. Visit our Adult Education page for more information.
- Our Adult Forum, “FaithTalk”, takes place at church on Sunday mornings (except in summer) where we discuss religious topics as well as current events, all from a Christian perspective.
- The “Exploring our Faith” study group meets virtually on Thursdays at 10:00 a.m. to discuss books, scripture, and more.
- The Men’s Breakfast and Bible Study meets virtually on Wednesdays at 7:30 a.m.
- Book Club meets virtually on the fourth Sunday of the month at 7 p.m.

Confirmation Class
Education and spiritual formation is provided for eighth graders seeking confirmation. These classes typically begin in January; please contact the office for more information. (Older students and adults who wish to be confirmed or received in the Episcopal Church should contact the rector.)

Sunday School and Nursery
Preschoolers through fifth graders meet during the 10:30 service, downstairs from the main church, where nursery care is also available. In addition to Sunday School, our Children’s Ministry plans several special events throughout the year for children and their families, including a fall hayride and bonfire, a Christmas Eve pageant, and an Easter egg hunt. Children and infants are always welcome in church! Visit our Sunday School page for more information.
Youth Group
Middle and high school youth meet weekly to encourage fellowship and to share in God’s love and Word in various ways. Our youth group is a casual but structured gathering that typically includes some kind of discussion, speaker or film, prayer, and some silly fun. We frequently co-host meetings and activities with youth groups at neighboring parishes. Monthly service projects help deepen our faith and commitment to community. A highlight of the youth group is the annual summer Work Camp trip to help repair the homes of people in need.
To join the youth group email list, contact our Youth Director, Maddie Weber, at [email protected]. Find more at our Youth Group page.