St. James’ Photo Galleries
Here are some of the things St. James’ has been up to lately!
Fellowship 2024
The Fellowship Commission works in partnership with other parish committees and commissions to coordinate parish activities that build a loving, supportive, and fun community at St. James’. Members also assist in greeting newcomers.
The joy of fellowship fuels the work of the church! To learn more, contact the parish office,
Outreach with Interfaith Works Clothing Center 6-22-24
Volunteers helped sort clothing and other household items at the Interfaith Works Essential Needs Center in Rockville.
Filling School Backpacks for Interfaith Works 8-25-24
Volunteers filled 60 backpacks with school supplies to be distributed to local families by Interfaith Works.
Confirmation at Washington National Cathedral, May 2024
Easter Egg Hunt 2024
Congregational Christmas Pageant, December 17, 2023
Our 10:30 a.m. pageant service began with our special guest, a donkey! St. James’ parishioners each chose a paper bag when they entered the church. The bags contained their mystery parts for the pageant. Some pageant parts were “on stage” and some were from the pews, but everyone who wanted to participate had a chance to help tell the Christmas story.
Trunk or Treat! October 28, 2023
St. James’ welcomed trick-or-treaters from around the neighborhood and the parish. Donations were collected for Interfaith Works Women’s shelters and Manna Food Center.
Blessing of the Animals, October 1, 2023
Rev. Meredith and Rev. Catherine offered a service of blessing for our pets, in recognition of St. Francis Day.
Anniversary Celebration September 10, 2023
Celebrating 60 years of St. James’ and 30 years of St. James’ Children’s School!
September 10, 2023, St. James’ Church and Children School partied with live music, bouncy houses, face painting, food trucks, and fellowship.
Worship and Servers
Many hands make for great worship! Here are some of the scenes from behind the scenes and in the sanctuary.
Want to help make worship meaningful? Volunteers for Music, Flower Guild, Altar Guild, Acolytes, Readers, Ushers, and Lay Eucharistic Ministers are always needed. No experience necessary! Contact the parish office,
St. James' Memorial Garden and Grounds
Thanks to the loving care of garden volunteers, the St. James’ Memorial Garden and grounds are home to many Maryland native plants, birds, and polinators.
Mental Health Ministry and Nature Walks
Members of St. James’ and their active pets have been walking and talking together since October, 2022, at the C&O Canal Towpath and other area parks, usually about once each month. These events are organized by the St. James’ Mental Health Ministry. All are welcome to join the walks with leashed pets!
Care for Creation Projects
Native Plants and Parking Lot Islands: On August 1, 2022: Members of our Care for Creation team, along with other parishioners, began a project to turn our back parking lot islands into native plant habitats. They covered the grass with cardboard and mulch to kill the grass without releasing the nutrients in the soil. On September, 2022, Care for Creation members planted Maryland natives in the recovered parking lot islands, to attract and support pollinators. By May 27, 2023, they were reborn and looking great at our clean-up day to remove invasive plants!
Youth Group
Shrove Tuesday Pancakes and Bingo! 2-21-23
Thanks to our Youth Group for hosting our pancake supper, and to everyone who brought a white elephant prize.
A Visit from Bishop Mariann Budde! 2-12-23
Bishop Mariann joined us for Sunday worship and coffee hour.
Potomac Area Interfaith Communities Thanksgiving Service, 11-16-22
Representatives from many faiths gathered for our annual Service of Thanksgiving, with music, prayers, and donations for Manna Food Center. Watch the full service here.