Altar Flowers and Music Gifts
Altar Flowers Gifts and DedicationsChristmas Flowers and Music Dedications Due December 16, 2024
You’re invited to remember or honor a loved one this Christmas with a dedication and contribution to our music and flower funds. Dedications are due by Monday, December 16 in order for your dedication to appear in the Christmas Eve bulletins.
Email your dedication to the office at [email protected].
Contributions may be made to St. James’, noted for “Christmas flowers and music.” Give online here or send your gift to St. James’ Episcopal Church, 11815 Seven Locks Rd., Potomac, MD 20854.
Gifts for flowers and music are welcome at all times of the year! Use the online Altar Flower dedication form or the sign-up on the bulletin board in the narthex to make a special dedication for another date.
Music Fund: Enriching our Worship
Gifts to the St. James’ Music fund allow us to hire musicians to enhance our worship, boost our choir, and make holy days more special. To donate, please use the methods below and note “Music Fund” on your payment.
Altar Flowers: A Way to Celebrate and Remember
Remember, celebrate, and give thanks for loved ones and special moments.
1. Use the Altar Flowers Form to make a dedication and reserve a date for altar flowers.
2. Make a donation to St. James’. Any amount is welcome for either music or flowers, but flowers for a full arrangement usually cost about $50. Please note “Altar Flowers,” “Music,” or “Flowers and Music” on the payment. Give online here or send your gift to St. James’ Episcopal Church, 11815 Seven Locks Rd., Potomac, MD 20854. You may also drop your designated payment in the offering plate on Sunday.
3. For altar flowers, include a dedication, preferably when using the online form or by email to [email protected]. Dedications will be printed in the Sunday bulletin if received by the Tuesday before.