St. James' Episcopal Church - Potomac 301-762-8040 [email protected]

learn, grow with us



Sunday School



A time of fun, friends, and learning about God’s love.

Sunday School is in person! Join us at 10:30 a.m. during worship in the undercroft (downstairs from the church).

For regular updates, ask to receive weekly parish emails by contacting us here.


Download a Sunday School Registration Form here.

Our Sunday School is a time of fun, friends, and learning about God’s love using a curriculum. For 2023/24, we’re using “Weaving God’s Promises.” Crafts, songs, and service projects are woven in frequently throughout the year. Preschoolers through sixth graders are welcome. Middle and high schoolers are welcome to volunteer to assist the younger children.

We meet each Sunday in the undercroft, which is the downstairs of the church. Child care is available for tiny ones. Sunday School meets during the 10:30 a.m. worship service. Children are always also welcome to attend the full worship service with their families.

Special Events

In addition to Sunday School, our Children’s Ministry plans several special events throughout the year for children and their families, including a fall hayride and bonfire, a Christmas Eve pageant, and an Easter egg hunt.


We love parent volunteers for Sunday School! Please connect with Rev. Meredith to learn more. All volunteers must complete the Safeguarding God’s Children training course before working with any children.

Nursery Care

We have two paid nursery attendants who play and sing with our littlest ones. Please ask an usher or greeter to show you to the nursery. All children are always welcome to stay with their parents in church if you prefer.