St. James' Episcopal Church - Potomac 301-762-8040 [email protected]

join us in worship





St. James’ is offering in-person worship on Sundays at 8:00 and 10:30 a.m., with Sunday School at 10:30 a.m. in the church lower level.

We offer live-streamed services and recorded worship videos on our YouTube channel. We now gather in person and online for "FaithTalk" adult spiritual formation, Bible study, and more.

Weekly news emails: Worship information, parish events, and ways to connect are shared regularly by email to the parish. News emails are posted here and also on our FaceBook page. If you’d like to join our email list, please contact us.

The 8:00am service takes place in the side chapel (please enter through the main stained glass doors at the front, and an usher can direct you to the chapel to the right of the main altar). This smaller and more intimate service (typically 10-20 worshippers) includes organ music and some congregational singing of hymns.
The 10:30am service is a traditional service with organ and piano, robed choir, and occasionally handbells and other instruments. The work of many parishioners makes our worship possible, including the choir, members of the altar and flower guilds, acolytes, Lay Eucharistic Ministers, lectors, ushers, prayer team members, and greeters.
Children are welcome at all services. Nursery care and Sunday School are available at 10:30 for families who choose those options. These are located downstairs – please ask an usher or greeter who will be happy to help direct you.

Worship Services

During normal times (non-COVID), our worship services are held at 8:00am and 10:30am every Sunday. All are welcome! We provide bulletins to make it easy for everyone to fully participate in the service, the prayers, and the hymns. Children may attend Sunday School downstairs (they reunite with their parents in the main church just before Holy Eucharist) or they may stay with their family for the entire service.


Please contact our rector ([email protected] or (301) 762-8040) if you are in need of Baptism for yourself or your child, Confirmation or Reception into the Anglican Church for yourself or your teen, Reconciliation, Matrimony, or Unction (anointing of the sick or dying).

ALL are welcome at St. James’! We welcome everyone to worship with us; long-time Episcopalians as well as persons from other religious traditions, seekers new to the Christian faith, or those who have never experienced corporate worship in any form.