St. James' Episcopal Church - Potomac 301-762-8040 [email protected]
Why We Need To Be “Radically” Honest

Why We Need To Be “Radically” Honest

Hello friends,

This week we’ll talk about “radical honesty,” a concept that is frequently used in addiction recovery but is useful for all of us. We’ll watch the first ~ 6 minutes of a video on The Power of Radical Honesty, but the full video is 15 minutes. I encourage you to watch the full 15 minutes beforehand if possible.

Our warm-up question for this week:

What’s a really nice compliment you received, and what impact did it have on you?

See you soon,


From Trauma to Hope: addiction, homelessness, loss, and recovery

Hello friends,
We’re back to our regular day and time (Thursdays at 7pm) this week for Stronger Together, and I’m excited for this conversation because we’re going to focus on a very compelling and evocative survivor testimony.
We’ll start by watching a 10-minute video from Sharon Wise, who recounts her experiences with mental illness, addiction, homelessness, loss, and ultimately recovery. Her story is quite moving, so we’ll take time after the video to process as a group and reflect on what we heard and how it affected us. This topic is all the more important to discuss as our nation faces new and even deadlier challenges in the addiction crisis. As always we will approach the conversation with empathy, humility, and compassion.
Our warm-up question for this week:

Tell us about a time when you saw someone do something incredible…something you thought wasn’t possible, or couldn’t imagine being able to yourself.