St. James' Episcopal Church - Potomac 301-762-8040 [email protected]

Hello friends,

The first line of our shared article for this week sums up the oft-experienced frustration perfectly:

One of the hardest things for me in the aftermath of a conflict is getting out of my head and accepting that what happened, happened.

Why can’t we just summon up a little bit of Elsa magic and “let it go”? Why do we keep playing and replaying the situation in our minds, analyzing every word we said or should have said, even though there’s nothing to do about any of it?

In this week’s discussion we’ll talk through three practical strategies to reduce these “negative ruminations.” We’ll also watch a very brief video on ways to set better boundaries, which as you’ll see in the article is central to reducing the number of times we find ourselves in the types of conflict that lead to negative ruminations

Our warm-up question for this week:

Which Disney princesses are your most and least favorite? Yes, you read that right.

See you soon,
