St. James' Episcopal Church - Potomac 301-762-8040 [email protected]

Hello friends,

Don’t worry, experiencing “enlightenment” is not a prerequisite for this week’s conversation! In fact, according to Dr. Andrew Newberg, there are two kinds of enlightenment: enlightenment with a “lowercase e,” which changes our opinions about the world, and Enlightenment with a “capital E,” which changes our essence — that is, how we think about life, death, and God.

This week we’ll watch the video linked above about the neuroscience of enlightenment and engage in a broader conversation about this “slippery concept.” Some questions to ponder:

  • Is “enlightenment” just another name for experiencing God?
  • Have you ever felt enlightenment as described in the video? Did it change you permanently, or was it a temporary change?
  • How should someone feel about their faith or their sense of self if they never have a moment of enlightenment?

Our warm-up question for this week:

What’s your favorite song to sing when nobody else is listening?

See you soon,
