St. James' Episcopal Church - Potomac 301-762-8040 [email protected]

Hello friends,

One day photographer Danielle Hark found herself at her lowest point ever when something just “clicked” for her. She had been suffering from severe depression, had fallen to the floor in the midst of a panic attack, and then, “click”… she took a picture. That moment not only changed her life but set her on a course to change the lives of many other people living with mental illness.

We’re going to watch a brief video of Danielle’s story and talk about what it means to create community where (and in what form) it is needed. If you get the chance, please also check out the art and community experience Danielle founded at the Broken Light Collective. It’s an inspiring story that each of us can relate to in our own way. Join us for the conversation!

Our warm-up question for this week:

Without showing it, describe one photograph you have that you will never forget.

See you soon,
