St. James' Episcopal Church - Potomac 301-762-8040

Hello friends,

One of the best parts about the return of springtime is all the songbirds that once again find their way to the feeders we have placed around our back porch. Just this weekend my oldest son even remarked at how loud the birds were, which was both funny and delightful!

So what do birds and mental health have to do with each other? That’s part of what we’re going to explore together in our conversation this week, but really we’re talking about something much bigger than birds. It’s more about crisis, mental well-being, and ultimately love. Please take a few minutes to read this opinion piece in WaPo to learn more.

At the same time, we are talking about birds this week. In fact, we’ll spend a few minutes listening together to the sounds of birds as we reflect on the impact these sounds have on our mental state. You’ll surely enjoy reading the entire interactive article on the subject, again from WaPo.

Our warm-up question for this week:<

What is your favorite songbird? What does it make you think about and why?

See you soon,
