St. James' Episcopal Church - Potomac 301-762-8040 [email protected]

Seasonal Affective Disorder

Hello Stronger Together friends,

Do you tend to get down and less energetic as the shorter days of winter approach? This Thursday at 7 p.m. we will discuss Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD). We’ll watch one of the following videos together and talk about our reflections.

Warmup question: When you are having a bad day what is the best thing you can do to cheer yourself up?

New Year, Old You! Positive Reflections on the Past Year

Hello all,

This week we’ll discuss what we’ve learned and gained from the year, how or whether to make reasonable mental health goals, and facing challenges for the coming year.

Here is a short video we’ll watch:

Positive Reflections on the Past Year for Your Mental Health

And you might also want to read this short article: New Year, Same You — and That’s OK!

Warmup question: What’s your best or most memorable New Year’s party/event/experience?

Life After Incarceration – More Info

Hello all,

This week we are discussing the difficulties people face in reintegrating into society after incarceration, a situation which impacts every aspect of their lives, including mental health.

How does it feel to reenter the world with a felony charge on your back and a parole officer watching your every move?  Ever been asked on an employment questionnaire whether you have a criminal record? What happens if you say “yes”?

Watch this video describing the challenges imposed on people who are leaving prison.

Warmup: What is one object you own that you should give away or discard, but probably never will?

Helping Loved Ones Struggling with Mental Health Issues

Hello all,
Welcome back from Thanksgiving holiday. It will be good to gather together again on Zoom!
What can we do when those we care about have mental health issues? Hear from people with mental health conditions and their loved ones who are there for them. 5 Ways to help someone struggling with their mental health | Mental Health Season – BBC Ideas
Warmup: If you could bring back one superstar of any field for one final performance, who would it be (Babe Ruth, James Dean, Elvis Presley…)?