St. James' Episcopal Church - Potomac 301-762-8040
How to Forgive Others

How to Forgive Others

Hi folks!
Rev. James is leading our gathering tonight at 7 p.m. We will watch a short video and then discuss, hopefully learning from one another and sharing our thoughts and insights. Please join us!
How to Forgive Others: One of life’s biggest challenges is forgiving someone for wronging you. Join us in watching a short video about forgiveness followed by an open discussion on how we might  forgive others and move forward from that hurt.
Emotional Childhood Trauma and Addiction

Emotional Childhood Trauma and Addiction

Good Morning Stronger Together Friends,

This week I propose discussing the following video that discusses a possible link between childhood emotional trauma and serious addiction. I don’t always agree with conclusions drawn from the proposed videos, but hope they are thought provoking and open up interesting discussions. We will see:}

Here is the video.

Here is the warmup question: If you had to wear a button with a maximum of six words on it describing your outlook on life, what would your button say?

DeAtley Barish

The Power of Gratitude

The Power of Gratitude

Hi folks,

This week I’m trying to fret less and focus on the good. I almost thought it would be helpful to discuss mental health during an election campaign, but I’m a chicken so I bring you the topic of gratitude.

Another way to think about gratitude is training our minds to notice the tailwinds, not just the headwinds, and the present moment, not just the past and future ruminations. Our minds are geared to focus on pain (for our survival!) but our mental health might depend on going against that aspect of our nature.

Here’s a video we will watch: The Power of GratitudeThomas Gilovich, the speaker in this video podcast, has done longer presentations on the topic, but this one will hopefully get us started.

Warmup topic: Tell a story about a lucky break or a close call you’ve experienced.

See you Thursday at 7 p.m.!


Appreciating Ourselves

Appreciating Ourselves

Hello Stronger Together friends,

This week’s topic is from a short article about appreciating ourselves. It is short enough to read together on Thursday. I think it is not only helpful for us to consider this technique, but to also to share personal “practices” we each use to find self value.

Here is the warm up question: What place would you really like to visit and have yet gone to, and why are you drawn to going there?

See you soon!


Surgeon General is Calling for a Warning Label on Social Media Platforms

Surgeon General is Calling for a Warning Label on Social Media Platforms

See you soon!  Hello everyone.

At tonight’s meeting, we will start with an icebreaker when we will discuss:
“If you were famous for something, what two companies would you want to sponsor you?”

The article that we will discuss for tonight’s stronger together conversation is one written by the Surgeon General; he wants to be able to add a warning label to social media sites that have not demonstrated that they are safe.

Some questions that might come up in the conversation are around:

  • “how might social media or the internet be affecting our mental health–either positively or negatively?”
  • “Would a surgeon general’s warning help us make choices that are better for our mental health?” If not, what could help us avoid things that are not good for us?
  • Similarly, “are there things we can do to help those we love avoid things that are not helpful for their mental health and do things that support mental health?”

In Christ,
