St. James' Episcopal Church - Potomac 301-762-8040 [email protected]
8 Things to Know About Depression and Anxiety

8 Things to Know About Depression and Anxiety

Hi all,

This week we have an article to read instead of a video. It’s short though, so we can read it together if you don’t get to it before the meeting.

The article is “I Have Depression and Anxiety – 8 Things I Wish People Knew About It.”

Please bring your thoughts and questions to the discussion.

Warmup question: Tell us two boring but unlikely-to-be-known facts about yourself.

Understanding Obsessive Compulsive Disorder

Understanding Obsessive Compulsive Disorder


I am looking forward to this week’s Stronger Together on Thursday, October 24 at 7 PM ET.
Here is a video that is an interview between the Chief Clinical Officer of a Company called NOCD, which provides online content and access to therapists that specialize in treatments for OCD. The entire video is 47 minutes, but, for the purpose of our discussion, please watch the first 11 minutes prior to our meeting and then together we can watch the chapter on “manifestation” (time stamps 16:42 – 20:10). Of course, feel free to watch all of it if you have the time. It is very informative.
LGBTQI+ Mental Health Experience

LGBTQI+ Mental Health Experience

Hi all,

This Thursday we’ll 
watch two short videos in which LGBTQI+ people discuss mental health issues specific to their community. We’ll then discuss our own feelings and reactions to their comments. Videos: LGBTQI+ Mental Health Experience and LGBT mental health issues.
Warm-up question: What are your favorite fall foods and rituals? Your favorite pumpkin patches, fall festivals, and produce stands? (asking for a friend 😉)
Learning to Forgive Ourselves

Learning to Forgive Ourselves

Hello friends,

This Thursday’s topic is Learning to Forgive Ourselves: We make mistakes and in hindsight know they are wrong.

Join others to watch this short video about forgiving ourselves followed by an open discussion on how we might forgive ourselves for these mistakes.

Warm-up question: What has someone done for you lately that you really appreciated? Or what have you enjoyed doing for someone else?

Surgeon General is Calling for a Warning Label on Social Media Platforms

Surgeon General is Calling for a Warning Label on Social Media Platforms

See you soon!  Hello everyone.

At tonight’s meeting, we will start with an icebreaker when we will discuss:
“If you were famous for something, what two companies would you want to sponsor you?”

The article that we will discuss for tonight’s stronger together conversation is one written by the Surgeon General; he wants to be able to add a warning label to social media sites that have not demonstrated that they are safe.

Some questions that might come up in the conversation are around:

  • “how might social media or the internet be affecting our mental health–either positively or negatively?”
  • “Would a surgeon general’s warning help us make choices that are better for our mental health?” If not, what could help us avoid things that are not good for us?
  • Similarly, “are there things we can do to help those we love avoid things that are not helpful for their mental health and do things that support mental health?”

In Christ,
