St. James' Episcopal Church - Potomac 301-762-8040
Owning Your Anger

Owning Your Anger

Whether you’re the type of person who considers themselves easily angered, or the type of person who rarely feels angry, as a human being you do experience anger and there are good reasons why. We’re often taught, however, that “being angry” is bad, which can make us feel conflicted or shameful when we inevitably experience these powerful emotions.

This week we’re going to learn some practical strategies and tactics for dealing with anger. Not avoiding it, but dealing with it in a healthy way that allows us to feel validated and to grow. We’ll work from a short but very helpful article from NPR on “4 steps to calm anger and process it.” I look forward to the discussion and what we will learn from each other!

Our warm-up question for this week:

How would you describe joy to someone who has never experienced it?

See you soon,

I know I’m Right!

I know I’m Right!

Hello Stronger Together Friends,

I am filling in again for Alex so… please join me this Thursday to discuss conflict and how to try to argue effectively.  Of course arguing effectively sounds good on paper, or video, but in real life arguing is way complicated, as we all know.  What are your go to techniques for diffusing or working through difficult arguments?

Here is the video we will see on working through conflict: How to Argue Effectively.

Warm up question: What do you think about Daylight Savings Time?

Hope to see you Thursday at 7pm.


Continuing to Challenge Our Assumptions

Continuing to Challenge Our Assumptions

Hello friends,

A couple of weeks ago we explored how culture can shape our assumptions about mental illness. This week we’ll explore a related topic: how behavior and mannerisms influence our assumptions about mental health and well-being. This is a good time to discuss this topic because as many of us know, the holiday season is a time when people can experience both “high highs” and “low lows” in mental health.

We’ll watch a brief but powerful video about checking in with others, which was developed in partnership with a mental health organization called Samaritans. Hopefully we’ll have a candid and compassionate conversation about our own experiences with mental health symptoms and how they are or are not understood by others.

Our warm-up question for this week:

Describe your favorite dish from Thanksgiving in mouth-watering detail. Bonus points if you also describe an “epic fail” dish!

See you soon,

Express Yourself for Better Mental Health

Express Yourself for Better Mental Health

Hello friends,

We’ve talked before about the virtues of journaling for promoting mental well-being, but there’s a slightly different form of writing that has been shown to be especially powerful for helping people recover from traumatic situations and generally “getting out of our own heads.” It’s called expressive writing, and it helps us make better sense of ambiguous or otherwise anxiety-causing thoughts and feelings. Once we make better sense of them, it’s easier to move forward.

It sounds simple because it is! We’ll start this week’s discussion by watching a brief video about the power of expressive writing and how to get started with the practice. From there we’ll reflect on when and how writing/journaling exercises such as this one have (or could have) made a positive impact on our well-being. We might even try a mini-exercise together during the discussion!

Our warm-up question for this week:

Flashbulb memories are vivid, long-lasting memories about a surprising or shocking event from the past. What’s a flashbulb memory from your childhood?

See you soon,