St. James' Episcopal Church - Potomac 301-762-8040
Appreciating Ourselves

Appreciating Ourselves

Hello Stronger Together friends,

This week’s topic is from a short article about appreciating ourselves. It is short enough to read together on Thursday. I think it is not only helpful for us to consider this technique, but to also to share personal “practices” we each use to find self value.

Here is the warm up question: What place would you really like to visit and have yet gone to, and why are you drawn to going there?

See you soon!


When It’s All About You

When It’s All About You

Hello friends,

I love when our Stronger Together discussions take us down a different path than we planned, or open up new topics in unexpected ways. In last week’s conversation on apologizing and gratitude, we briefly considered an interesting exception: what about narcissists?

To be clear, there are narcissistic behaviors we all have exhibited from time to time, as well as people who are pretty narcissistic in general. Then there’s narcissism to a degree that is a form of mental illness: Narcissistic Personality Disorder, or NPD. Our conversation this week will focus on NPD–how we can understand it better and empathize better with people affected by it. We’ll watch a video that describes the diagnostic criteria for NPD as well as some of what the symptoms “hide” in the person experiencing this form of mental illness.

Remember…we all have a bit of narcissistic tendencies. That’s normal and part of what makes us human!

Our warm-up question for this week:

Tell us about a truly great vacation or trip you took. What made it so special to you?

See you soon,

Your Inner Voice is Telling You…

Your Inner Voice is Telling You…

Hello friends,

Are you one of those people with a robust inner monologue? Or maybe you hear an inner voice only occasionally, but when you do it can be particularly helpful (or hurtful). I think we all have an inner voice, but maybe some of us hear it more often or more easily than others.

In our conversation tomorrow we’re going to talk about the conversations we have inside our own heads. We’ll watch a helpful video on overcoming bad inner voices and share our own experiences navigating our inner dialogue. Invite your Jiminy Cricket for what is sure to be an engaging discussion!

Our warm-up question for this week:

If you could record a 10-second audio clip for your 20 year-old self knowing that they would only be able to hear it one time, what would you say?

See you soon,